Core Values – what are they and why are they important?

Compass on ground

I think self -knowledge is a key to happiness. We can build happy lives only on the foundation of our own natures, our own values, and our own interests.” – Gretchen Rubin

My journey with core values began in 2016. Their discovery helped me make sense of previous times of unhappiness and discontent and helped me move forward into a more contented and aligned life. Since discovering and utilising my core values I have helped others to discover theirs, supporting them to also live a more contented and aligned life.

“I am now sure of who I am, where I am going and what I need to do to get there. Its exciting!!” – AH – 1:1 coaching client

What are core values?

A highly developed values system is like a compass. It serves as a guide to point you in the right direction when you are lost.” – Idowu Koyenikan

Core values are deeply rooted in your heart, if you were a stick of rock (a UK seaside candy) your core values would be the words right in the centre. The colours around the outside would be your acquired values, those that you have picked from others. These acquired values are what we often mistake as our own, the values we feel we ‘should’ have.

several sticks of rock

Your core values are what you stand for and guide, justify or explain attitudes, norms, opinions, goals and actions. They help determine the direction you want your life to go in. As you go through life your values will change and evolve either in flavour or in order of importance.

Why are core values important?

“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” – Roy E. Disney

Knowing your core values helps you prioritise your needs. They form the basis of why you do what you do and help you make choices. When we make decisions in line with our core values we know we are on the right path.

My definition of success: When your core values and self-concept are in harmony with your daily actions and behaviors.” – John Spence

Discovering your personal core values allows you to define success on your own terms. Society’s version of ‘success’ may not be yours and that is ok!

Research has shown that pursuing goals and actions that are in line with core values increases satisfaction, quality of life, wellbeing, meaning & purpose and happiness.

Discovering our core values

There are many ways to discover your core values, a quick search online will give you many different answers. There will be lists of words to choose from, questions to answer and reflections to be made, each method has its merits and will allow for the self-discovery needed. Some coaches, like me, offer the opportunity to explore your core values during 1:1 or group coaching sessions.

“I now know who I am and what makes me happy, I know what success looks like for me”  MC – 1:1 coaching client

If you would like to work with me to explore your core values, you can find out more here.

” my core values have become a roadmap for how I make the decisions in my life and how I make sure that they’re the right ones for me as a person” BA – 1:1 coaching client


Be Happy, Dr Rebecca Ray

Grit – Angela Duckworth

Positive Psychology in a nutshell – Boniwell

Transform your life – Carole Gaskell

Positive Psychology Coaching – Green & Palmer

The Positivity Prescription – Dr Suzy Green

Why has nobody told me this before? – Dr Julie Smith

All the books in the reference list above are linked to my bookshop at along with many other wellbeing and personal development books.

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