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Meteor Membership Terms and Conditions

Membership Terms: Key Details

The terms cannot be varied and in proceeding to purchase the Membership you will be deemed to have accepted these terms. The terms and conditions set out below apply to the services offered by Release Your Shooting Star Ltd. Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under law and set out the terms under which Release Your Shooting Star Ltd (“we”, “our” or “us”) provide services to you, as purchaser of the membership. These terms are subject to any rights you have under consumer law to which we are bound and which cannot be waived by contract.

Membership Outline

The Meteor Membership is a membership community for individuals who want to tap into what is important in their lives each month (their North Star) and take aligned actions towards their North Star. The membership is an ongoing commitment where you can get monthly group coaching and regular support and accountability through fellow members.

The aim of the membership is to provide a safe space and dedicated time each month to explore what is important to focus on that month. The membership is best suited for those who are willing and able to engage in the group coaching process, are happy to interact with other members within the coaching sessions and are open to exploring their priorities through the use of metaphor. Should you need specific or bespoke support then please contact us to enquire about our one to one services.

 Membership Specifics

There are three elements to the membership:

  • Monthly group Coaching will take place twice a month on a Tuesday at 7.15pm uk time
  • Weekly emails with prompts to reflect and set intentions
  • A Private Facebook and WhatsApp Groups

Live Group Coaching

The live group coaching will be led by Ruth Adams.

The monthly group coaching will take place via Zoom (or another similar video conferencing platform) for one hour. Unless there are unforeseen circumstances, the video calls will take place at 7.15pm on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Any changes will be communicated by email.

During each live session will start with a grounding meditation followed by a series of questions being asked to help elicit what is important to focus on, during this part of the session the members write out their answers privately. This is followed by sharing your focus and actions with others in breakout rooms. We end the session by coming back together.

The session will be lead by Ruth Adams using her 6+ years coaching experience and knowledge gained through various courses, most recently her Masters in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology.  

Weekly emails

In addition to the live session members will receive weekly emails to prompt reflection on their focus and intentions for the month.  

Private Groups

You will have access to a private Facebook and WhatsApp group to support you during the Membership. The intention of the groups are to provide community support, encouragement and accountability with fellow members.  From time to time Ruth Adams may post and offer support in the groups but there is no guarantee that posts and messages will be responded to immediately or that any mailboxes will be monitored.

Please be advised that whilst we hope that you will be able to utilise the groups, we make no guarantees as to the availability of the groups and/or the content within the group at any time.


It is requested that at all times your behaviour towards others is polite and respectful. We will not be held responsible for the behaviour or actions of any other members. Should your behaviour be deemed offensive or inappropriate we reserve the right to remove you from the membership with immediate effect.


The aim of the membership is to provide you with a safe space to explore your own needs and goals. We make no guarantees or claims as to the success of any member. Each individual is unique and their circumstances are unique to them. The aim is that by attending the group coaching sessions you will become more aware of your own needs and goals and feel empowered to take action to work towards them.  

All information provided will be general information and guidance and will not be bespoke advice. We are not responsible for any action or inaction which you take as a result of the information within the membership. We are not responsible for any loss of opportunity or any investments which you make.

No content in this membership should be construed as medical advice, whether mental or physical. If you believe that you require medical attention you should seek assistance from a medical professional immediately.

We ask that all members in the membership respect the rights of others in respect of their behaviour and privacy. We will not be responsible for the action of any members including for any disclosures made by any members based on information which has been shared within the membership.

 Contact and Schedule

It is the intention that the membership will run continuously and that live group coaching sessions will be provided as set out above. Should an unforeseen reason arise which cause a session(s) to be postponed they will be re-arranged as soon as possible.

Throughout the membership we will be available by email Monday to Friday between 11am to 4pm via and will respond as soon as possible and within 48 hours during the hours stated.

If you have a technical query relating to accessing the membership please include “Tech” in the subject line of your email correspondence.

You may see us post on social media outside of our core hours. Not all of these posts are live and some will be pre-scheduled. We are passionate about supporting everyone in the membership and where we can we may respond to you out of hours but we make no guarantees that this will always be possible.

Payment Terms

The cost of the membership is set at the time you subscribe. On subscription you will agree to monthly payments via the website which will be taken on the same day each month.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Your privacy and protection of your personal data is important to us. Your personal data is protected as set out in our privacy policy which can be found here Privacy Policy – Release Your Shooting Star

We utilise Mailchimp to manage our communications with you and from time to time may utilise the Facebook Pixel analytics tool.

During the course of the membership you may have access to confidential information, in particular the personal affairs of others in the membership. In accepting these terms, you agree that you will not use or disclose to any person, organisation or company, and shall use your best endeavours to prevent the publication of, any confidential information relating to any other member.  

You accept that any unauthorised disclosure of personal or confidential information belonging to another may amount to immediate dismissal from the membership. Should you decide to leave the Membership then you remain bound by the confidentiality and privacy obligations.

Refunds and Cancellation

It is our aim that you will be completely happy with the Membership. However, we appreciate that there may come a time when you wish to leave the Membership.

In accordance with Distance Selling Regulations, you have the right to cancel and obtain a full refund within 14 days from the date of subscription. Refund requests should be made in writing to and a full refund will be provided within 14 working days.

In the event that the live group coaching session has already taken place within the first 14 days following your subscription, you are still entitled to request a refund but the value of the session shall be deducted from the amount paid by you, along with any reasonable costs which have been borne by us in respect of the administrative costs of commencing the membership.

There is no obligation on us to refund any amounts paid where cancellation requests are made following the 14 day cancellation period.

Should you wish to cancel your membership you can do so at any time in writing to .

We reserve all rights to cancel the membership for any reason without prior notice. In such circumstance a refund will be provided for the remainder of that month as applicable.

Intellectual Property

During your time as a member you may be provided with course materials. At all times the intellectual property rights and copyrights connected with those materials remain with us. You have the right to use the materials as learning tools but you are not permitted to duplicate or provide copies to third parties. We retain and reserve all of our copyrights.


If you have a complaint about the programme this should be made to made in writing to Ruth Adams at

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What happens if I can’t make a live group coaching session?

There are no recordings made. You are welcome to interact with the other members through the WhatsApp and Facebook groups and share your North Star and actions. Hopefully you will be able to make to the next group coaching session which will be 2-3 weeks after the missed session

  1. What if I need additional support?

Additional support can be offered to each member in the form of 1:1 support. We are happy to support you as required, please contact us directly, additional charges will apply.

  1. What if I am ill during the membership?

If you are ill or unable to attend a live session for any reason you are welcome to interact with the other members through the WhatsApp and Facebook groups and share your North Star and actions. If you are ill for an extended period, please let us know and we will support you wherever we can.


We intend to rely on the written terms set out in these terms and conditions for the services that we provide to you in delivery of the membership. These written terms shall constitute the entire agreement between us.

Should there be any conflict between these terms and any membership hosting platform or payment gateway, these terms shall prevail.

We may update these terms and conditions from time to time for legal or regulatory reasons or to allow the proper operation of your service. Any changes will be notified to you as soon as possible.

If any provision or part-provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any such modification or deletion shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these terms and conditions.

These Terms are governed by the laws of England & Wales. The Courts of England & Wales have exclusive jurisdiction over any matter and proceedings arising out of the Membership.

Last updated on 30/09/24